Counting total number of pages across multiple PDF files on the Windows' Powershell

I'm trying to write a single script on the Windows' Powershell so I can know the total number of pages across various pdf files in the same directory. However, I'm not getting the intended results. Here's my script:

$files = l . $result = 0 for ($i=0; $i -lt $files.Count; $i++) < $fileName = $files[$i].FullName if ($fileName.EndsWith(".pdf")) < pdfinfo.exe $fileName | findstr.exe "Pages:*" | awk '' > > 
Current results (Individual number of pages):
20 19 10 16 18 14 9 29 24 28 16 30 32 21 13 17 
Expected results:
20 39 49 65 83 . . . 316 
Or just the final value: asked Jun 7, 2019 at 19:27 103 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 2 2 bronze badges

1 Answer 1

Just to make clear pdfinfo isn't a tool which comes with Windows/PowerShell
Windows and Linux versions can be downloaded from

If using PowerShell I'd stay with it as much as possible:

## Q:\Test\2019\06\07\SO_1446208.ps1 $folder = 'C:\Test' $Total = $Files = 0 foreach($File in (Get-ChildItem -Path $Folder -Filter *.pdf)) < $Pages = (pdfinfo $File.FullName | Select-String -Pattern '(?<=Pages:\s*)\d+').Matches.Value $Total += $Pages $Files++ [PSCustomObject]@< PdfFile = $File.Name Pages = $Pages >> "`nTotalNumber of pages: in files" -f $Total,$Files 

Sample output (the whole [PSCustomObject] just for reference)

> Q:\Test\2019\06\07\SO_1446208.ps1 PdfFile Pages ------- ----- 2014-02-25_Allwinner A80.pdf 1 test.pdf 4 TotalNumber of pages: 5 in 2 files